Sunday, July 20, 2008

Service to the Community

As a team, we need to come together and decide what we can do to give back to our community (and I'd like to specify that what I mean here is the city of Flagstaff).

Examples might include:
Helping the homeless by preparing and serving dinner?
Aiding the elderly at some of the nursing/assisted care facilities around town?
Working at the food bank?
Cleaning up the Veteran's Cemetery?

These are my suggestions off the top of my head. I'm open to any other suggestions. But as a team we can accomplish ANYTHING we put our minds to, which not only includes winning championships, but changing the world, or at least to begin, people's lives.

Did anyone see where there's a fundraiser for the family and high school coach of Lopez Lomong's to offset expenses to send them to Bejing so they may watch Lopez run in the Olympics? Wouldn't that be a good thing to contribute to? Who would like to take the lead on this? I'm in for $25.00 if someone asks.

What do you think? I'll be waiting for any of your input.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Just to let you know the following is not my idea, but I think it is something we could capitalize on...
correy and Taylor were talking about organizing a race, where similar to the Hospice fun run, the entry fees would go to a charity or foundation of choice. It would take a lot of planning, but would be worth it I think. Megan and I are, of course involved with Grand Canyon Youth corps, so if anyone from the team wanted to join this upcoming year they would be welcome. The entire focus of GCYC is to contribute to the community of Flagstaff and would offer lots of great volunteer opportunities for the team.
Another thing I was wondering about was doing something not only for Flagstaff, but for posterity. I really hope I'm not the only one who's noticed, but at xc and track meets there are always a TON of plastic water/gatorade bottles all over the place and NO recycling bins! Is there a way we can make it manditory for meets, at least here in Flag to have prominent recycling bins and encourage people to use less bottled water and instead have more stations for filling up water bottles? sorry I'm such a tree hugger, but it's frustrating that so much waste could be so easily recycled.