Sunday, April 4, 2010

Practice for the Week of April 5th--11th

Monday, 4/5
-- track workout -- this will be a repeat of the same workout we ran about a month ago... except we should all aim at faster times. However, the weather forecast is for 50 mph winds! I guess spring in Flagstaff has arrived in force. Please dress in layers, and if you have a nylon windbreaker -- wear it!
-- 3 sets of 4x400s (after Big Warm-up... any questions on what that entails?)

All pick-up times @ 5:00 unless otherwise stated.

Tuesday, 4/6
Little America loop.

Wednesday, 4/7
Big Warm-up
Pick-up @ 4:30

Thursday, 4/8
Meet at ASU -- their website below has the schedule of events...

Depart school @ 10:30 AM
Arrive school @~11:30 PM

Friday, 4/9

Saturday, 4/10
Let's discuss as a team what we'll do... I still want to keep Sunday as your "Long/Easy" run

See above...