Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mt. Sac Invite Details

The Team will utilize two NPA vans (a 12 passenger and a 7 passenger, driven by myself and the other by the Pinaire's).

Here is our tentative trip schedule:
Thursday, October 21st:
6:15 -- Report to school for our workout (we'll need to organize breakfast ).
11:11 -- Dismissed at lunch -- pack vans, etc.
~Noon -- vans depart from NPA for California.
~8 PM Arrive at hotel

Race times:
3:23 -- Boys
3:46 -- Girls

After an easy workout, we'll eat breakfast and depart from the hotel at late morning and approximately hope to arrive at 8PM back in Flagstaff.

Hotel Accommodations:
Holiday Inn Diamond Bar
21725 E. Gateway Center Drive
Diamond Bar, CA 

Hotel Link:,17315,18167,23628,23670,25567,25834,26328,26613,26644,26746,26761,26849,27006,27015,27056&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&cp=15&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=holiday+inn+diamond+bar&fb=1&gl=us&hq=holiday+inn&hnear=Diamond+Bar,+CA&cid=17184148290024047892

I'll send an email out tomorrow (10/11) on hotel costs...

Mt. Sac Invite Link:

Practice Schedule for October 11th-16th

Note: The City Meet this week's focus... then next week's is Mt. Sac, which I have created a separate post on this blog.

Monday, 10/11
A "vigorous and intense" Big Warm-UP and then "some" between-the-triangles" sprints.
Standfords/Kenyan cool-down.

Some jogging, striding and stretching.

Wednesday, 10/13
City Meet

Last year's schedule went  (so far, all I've received is, "High school race will begin around 1:00."):

12:25 -- High School Girls Race
1:15: -- High School Boys Race
3:00 -- Middle School Girls Race
3:10 -- Middle School Boys Race

Here's what I'd like to see unfold:

Team arrives at school as normal, and attends their first through third period classes, then is dismissed (10:32). Exactly what specifics takes place after dismissal will be discussed on Monday (tomorrow, 10/11).

Switzer Run...

I'm off campus attending a meeting at the AIA office. Coach Hall will supervise practice (although I have not confirmed this with her).

A run on the mountain... Sunset?

LROYO (long-run-on-your-own)

Thursday... Leave for Mt. Sac