Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chino Valley Observations, This week's schedule and Region meet Intenary

Results for those who ran at Chino Valley are up at "2009 Performances." Lackluster overall to say the least.

For the Distance Runners for this week:
Monday -- Repeat 400 (similar to the format we ran two weeks ago)

Tuesday -- Big Warm-up

Wednesday -- 20 minute easy run after checking into hotel

Friday -- Short run after school (more a recovery run)

Wednesday’s Schedule

Depart: Wednesday, May 6th after school.

Dinner: Olive Garden in Flagstaff ($10.00/person)

Accommodations: Best Western Inn – Payson (Telephone: 928-474-3241)

Cost for Room: $30.00/per person (make checks payable to NPA). Please submit checks to Ms. Sommers at the Reception Desk by first hour Wednesday.

Contact: M. Elder cell 380-6287

Return: We will eat after the meet and return to NPA @ approximately 9:00 PM Thursday evening.