Monday, June 29, 2009

Practice Schedule for June 29th - July 4th

Monday, June 29th
Well, practice already happened. Good turnout with TomTom (dom), Claire (Grace), Gram (Ana), and Chase (Megan) in attendance... Still looking for Kev (Keven), and Coyote (Wiley).

I thought there was way too much negativity associated with what went on today. Let me very clear here... IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BE THERE, THEN don't!!!

Run on your own

Wednesday, July 1st
Meet at the duck ponds on Walnut Canyon Rd.

Thursday, July 2nd
Run on your own

Friday, July 3rd
Ft. Tuthill

Saturday, July 4th
We'll meet the "Historic Flagstaff flagpole" at 6:45 AM for a 7AM "informal" 4-mile "race" that our good friend, Randy Wilson, is promoting. We can talk more about this at practice...