Saturday, September 5, 2009

Practice Schedule for Sept 7 -- 19th

This is the start of a crazy week... It already ended crazy with Labor Day finding people on vacation, others at the fair, and today having to change our original practice plan as a result of many variables.

What is "crazy" about next week is I've added a Wednesday meet, throwing the original "master" schedule into disarray. Then a the end of the week, I'm attending the annual State Athletic Directors conference Saturday through Tuesday (but will be back for practice on Tuesday afternoon!). At the end of that next week we race here in town at the Four Corners Invitational.

So here's how it shakes out:

Monday 7th (Labor Day)
8:30 AM -- A medium-paced run at Campbell Mesa on the 5 mile trail; followed by strides.
Pick-up at 10:00

Practice the "warm-up" we'll employ at every meet; followed by Stanfords.
Pick-up at 5:00... will parents be able to make this early pick-up? If not, then I will assume they will contact me in advance.

Wednesday, 9th
Our first meet -- The Payson Multiple Invitational (what a stupid name for a meet) I believe I have all the pertinent information up on this blog in our "2009 Schedule." Not everyone will be making this trip. I believe I have spoken to those athletes...

Meet info:

Off... Go see your teachers (although you should have talked to each on Tuesday in the classes that you were going to miss).

1000 meters on the track at race pace (the pace you ran at Payson); followed by the Green Mountain Loop; then back on the track for a another 1000 meters.
Pick-up at 5:15 PM

Saturday, 12th
I'll be in Prescott for the State AD Conference... therefore, it'll be a "Captain's Practice" for all who can make it. This will be communicated to all prior...

Long run, on your own.

Monday, 14th
We're going to move Wednesday's day off to today!

Hills on the Urban Trail.
Pick-up at 5:15

Green Mountain and beyond Loop; plus flying 60's.
Pick-up at 5:15

Thursday, 17th
Cedar Loop.
Pick-up at 5:15

AM practice

Saturday 19th
Four Corners Invite... More to come!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2009 High School Schedule

Date Meet Site Time Other Info
Wed 9/9 Payson Multis Payson Golf Course 4:00 Girls; 4:30 Boys Depart NPA -noon Return - 9:00
Sat 9/19 4 Corners Buffalo Park 10:00 Boys; 10:40 Girls Report to Park 90 min before race
Sat 9/26 Shane Morris Invitational Woodland Lake Park 2:50 Girls; 3:20 Boys Depart NPA - 11:00 AM Return - 9:00 PM
Fri 10/2 Desert Twilight CC Festival TokaSticks Golf Course, Gilbert 5:00 Boys; ??? Girls Depart NPA 11 AM - Return Saturday
Sat 10/11 Jack Boehle Invitational Ft. Tuthill TBA Due to SAT's, those not taking this test will "race"
Wed 10/14 Flag City Meet Buffalo Park 12:25 Girls; 1:15 Boys Team to meet at Buff Pk 2 hours before their respective races
Sat 10/31 Region Championship St. Michael Mid-morning We will leave after a short practice and dinner on Friday night
Sat 11/7 State Championship Cave Creek Golf Course TBA Depart after School on Friday
Sat 11/21 NXN Kiwanas Park, Tempe Details to be discussed later

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Practice Schedule for Aug 31 -- Sept 6

Monday 8/31
An easy Soliere loop, followed by strides and stanfords.
Pick-up at 5:15

Tuesday 9/1
More hills over on the Urban Trial.
Pick-up at 5:15

Wednesday 9/2

Thursday 9/3
On the schedule is an hour hard run on the Old Walnut Canyon Rd, however transportation is going to be a challenge.


Pick-up at 5:30

Friday 9/4
What is scheduled on the outline is an AM practice. This will be an easy run on the golf course. What we've done in the past on AM practices is meet at school at 6:15 AM and begin our run around 6:30 (therefore no one can be late!). We usually finish at 7:15. We divide up who brings what for breakfast, shower/eat, and go to class. Let's talk about this during the week and get it organized and/or identify who can't make it, since this will not be a missed practice counted against anyone... as the entire Labor weekend falls into this category.

Saturday 9/5
What is on the schedule is Oldham, but since we did this on Saturday (as a substitute for Upper Oldham) we may want to try Upper Oldham this weekend (at least for those that are present). Time and pick-up will be determined in meetings during our discussions.

Sunday 9/6
No Tewanima Foot Race Tewanima Foot Race ... run on your own.