Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 17th -- 23rd

Friday, October 17th
Due to Wednesday's meet and today's (Thursday's "hard" workout, Friday's workout will be ridiculously easy). This easy workout is also based upon recommendations from you, as a team, to still get Saturday's workout in... however, this will not happen until I hear from Mr. Danner allowing me to proctor tests. If this does come to realization, it will likely mean that Core will not make the workout due to work schedule at the h2oplex.

All depends and the Danner email. However, assuming that it is approved, the practice goes as such...

Meet at school. Load van and head to the trailhead of the Waterline/Tunnel Road. Easy 10 minutes, hard 15 minutes, easy five minutes (still running out and "up"); turn around, easy five minutes, then hard (and as hard as you can) back to vans.
The run should take less than an hour. The drive will take an hour and 20 minutes total. Those of you who are better at math then me (which should be all of you) can figure when we should leave and when we will return.

As stated previously, if this is a no-go from an admin decision, then Saturday's workout will have to be done on your own (and no, I don't expect you to drive to Tunnel Rd!).

Sunday, 10/19
Well, if we do get to run Saturday's practice, it should be a 30 minute jog. If not, then????

Monday, 10/20
A "speed" workout on the track across the street.



Travel to LA (gosh, the sound of that is cool!).

City (last vs. this)

Name last year's time/this year's time*

Andy 20:06 / 19:21
Jess 20:27 / 22:14**
Core 20:27 / 20:05
Meg 21:16 / 20:16
Tay 23:49 / 22:31

* Add ~10 seconds since the 2008 course was ~70 meters shorter then the 2007 course.
** Jess was held back.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Week of October 13 --

Monday, October 13th
8:30 Buffalo Park (I''ll arrive at 9:00)
Bring flats
Big warm-up
400, 800.800.400
Pick up at 10:30

Tuesday, 10/14
Big warm-up at fxgln
Pick up at 5:00

To Be Determined tomorrow