Thursday, July 17th
4:00 PM Buffalo Park
For all of you who were at practice today (and I was "positivified" by the great turn-out) you'll go for a very easy run... possibly the "loop." The most important thing attending this session is the workshop given by Phil Wharton after the run. He'll be demonstrating his strength & flexibility session, which is fast becoming world famous with all elite runners (Lopez Lomong and Jessica McMillin are two of his clients!).
Friday, July 18th
6:30 AM (yes, that early!) -- School
Meet at school to load van (Tyler, we can meet you at Late for the Train at 6:45 and pick you up). We'll drive to Hart Prairie for a run. After the run another session by Phil.
Not sure what specific time we'll return, but I'll guess at around 10:00. We'll call as we come into town for those who need to be picked up to let you know.
3:30 PM at Lumberjack Stadium
Short run & "gait analysis" followed by a talk by the great Jack Daniels. This session should be great (this is what I expect!!!).
Again, I'm not certain what time pick-up will be. On the schedule it says that Dr. Daniels will speak at 6:00 and if they hold to that then it will end around 7:oo/7:30.
Saturday, July 19th
6:30 AM @ School
We'll drive to the Nordic Center for our run (hey, you have to admit, it's different!).
Let's do the same thing w/ Ty...
Pick-up same as above.
5:00 PM Campbell Mesa ("Bernard Lagat's favorite spot for tempo runs!" and should we add, "Megan Dwyer's most favorite place to do anything?")!!
After this run, a talk by Alica Shay, discussing, "Nutrition for the Serious Athlete." Something we should all think about often.
Sunday, July 20th
7:15 at Ft. Tuthill, or we could continue to meet at school and ride over together.
After the run, Phil Wharton is opening his office for a session on "Injury Prevention."