Thursday, July 17, 2008


Here's a great (and free!) opportunity to really learn great things about running. I talked with most of you today at practice, but here it is again (Corrie, Chris and Tyler need to know about this... and Corrie should try to attend the workshops if possible).

Thursday, July 17th
4:00 PM Buffalo Park
For all of you who were at practice today (and I was "positivified" by the great turn-out) you'll go for a very easy run... possibly the "loop." The most important thing attending this session is the workshop given by Phil Wharton after the run. He'll be demonstrating his strength & flexibility session, which is fast becoming world famous with all elite runners (Lopez Lomong and Jessica McMillin are two of his clients!).

Friday, July 18th
6:30 AM (yes, that early!) -- School
Meet at school to load van (Tyler, we can meet you at Late for the Train at 6:45 and pick you up). We'll drive to Hart Prairie for a run. After the run another session by Phil. 
Not sure what specific time we'll return, but I'll guess at around 10:00. We'll call as we come into town for those who need to be picked up to let you know.

3:30 PM at Lumberjack Stadium
Short run & "gait analysis" followed by a talk by the great Jack Daniels. This session should be great (this is what I expect!!!).
Again, I'm not certain what time pick-up will be. On the schedule it says that Dr. Daniels will speak at 6:00 and if they hold to that then it will end around 7:oo/7:30.

Saturday, July 19th
6:30 AM @ School
We'll drive to the Nordic Center for our run (hey, you have to admit, it's different!).
Let's do the same thing w/ Ty...
Pick-up same as above.

5:00 PM Campbell Mesa ("Bernard Lagat's favorite spot for tempo runs!" and should we add, "Megan Dwyer's most favorite place to do anything?")!!
After this run, a talk by Alica Shay, discussing, "Nutrition for the Serious Athlete." Something we should all think about often.

Sunday, July 20th
7:15 at Ft. Tuthill, or we could continue to meet at school and ride over together.
After the run,  Phil Wharton is opening his office for a session on "Injury Prevention."

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