Saturday, June 25, 2011

SUMMER-- Week of June 27 -- 30

I apologize for the fact that most of our practices have been happening via word of mouth. I felt this was best since I was out of town. I arrived back last Tuesday night and attended Wednesday's and Thursday's practices. Thanks to our Captains Andrew and Keven for organizing those!

I worked yesterday and this morning (arriving at 4:45 AM!) at the Hospice Run. I saw Dom and Nick. I also saw alum Jessica McMillan, as well as a few "ex-pats." I also met many who were associated with our middle school "program." That too was cool. What was perhaps a little disappointing was those that I didn't see? Since I don't feel I race my runners much during the season, what's wrong with running these summer time races? I have, in the past asked you to participate. No?

Okay, enough with the bullying.

Next week's Practice Schedule!

All practices held from 8:30 AM to ~10:30 (Arrival & Pick-up, unless otherwise noted... AND THERE WILL SOME DEVIATIONS... MOSTLY THURSDAYS). THANKS.

Buffalo Park
Modifed/"unmodified" Oldham

WalMart Parking Lot
Sinclair Wash

Kinsey Elementary Parking Lot
Some kind of Sam's Club configuration
Strides on the NAU football practice fields adjacent to Lone Tree, unless we get thrown off

A van trip to run the Wet Beaver Creek Trail, to the pools (3 miles down the trail); will discuss in detail as the week progresses.