Monday, 10/25
A medium/hard run (a "comfortably/hard run?")
What we are looking for is a pace that none of you is really "jogging" nor "running hard." However, this will depend on how you are coming off the weekend (sleep, etc...).
Men -- Wakonda -- down Butler to the end, left and around...
Back to Falcon.
Ladies -- Butler to Skyview, to Edgewood, to Country Club (Left) to Continental back to Falcon.
At Falcon you'll do a "progressive" hill workout.
After hill workout, all will jog over to the turf and do the cool down Kenyans.
8x200's just a little quicker than "race pace."
rest interval/jog across infield... as we did last time.
Purpose of these 200's is looking for a little quicker turnover...
Big Warm-up.
Pre-Race Dinner? My house if... and all invited.
AIA Section II
Cross Country Championships
Friday, October 29, 2010
Flagstaff, AZ
Buffalo Park in Flagstaff.
Facilities: There will be porta potties available, but no locker room or showers.
You may drop off the team and equipment at the park entrance, but busses must park off site at Coconino H.S. or Flagstaff H.S. There is limited parking is on site in a dirt lot when you first enter on Gemini. Vans and spectators will be directed to park in that lot.
Athletic Trainers will be on site.
Entry Fee: AIA is potentially charging a $5 entry fee.
PLEASE inform your parents so they are not shocked when they get to the park.
Time Schedule:
2:30 D III Section II boys
3:00 D III Section II girls
3:30 D IV Section II boys
4:00 D IV Section II girls
Medals will be awarded to the top fourteen (14) in each section.
Division III presented at 3:45 pm by the Ramada
Division IV presented at 4:45 pm by the Ramada
Games Committee: In the rare instance that a games committee is needed for a decision, the following will be represented:
Trina Painter Flagstaff HS
Mike Elder NPA
Jim Bostwick Mingus HS
Rick Baker Hopi HS
Mike O’Callahan Camp Verde
Preston Johnson Coconino HS AD
The course is the same course used at the 4 Corners Invitational. The length is 3 miles on the hard packed dirt trail with one significant hill in the first 800m at Buffalo Park. A copy of the map is attached.
Course walk through- 9:00am-1:00pm on Friday, October 29th.
Rules: Rules are those of the current edition of the National Federation Track and Field/ Cross Country Rules and Records, AIA Constitution and Bylaws and these tournament instructions.
Remember: Section 6 competitor’s uniform Art.7 page 71 …Contestants shall not wear
jewelry. Penalty: (All articles) for illegal uniform, the competitor is disqualified from the event.
A "pick-up" practice... we'll discuss...
Long Run