Sunday, July 20, 2008

PRACTICE -- JULY 22nd to August 2nd

Wednesday, July 22nd
8:00 AM (this change of practice time is due to request from team members) Buffalo Park
Warm-up: half a loop, then what we've learned these past few days; strides.

Mathmania: 6:51/7:07/14:20
JM: 6:51/7:26/14:14
K-Man: 6:35/6:11/13:25
Burntmuffman: 7:17/7:28/15:08
Yess: 7:03/7:37/14:42
Losis: 7:28/7:34/15:57
Tumbleweed: 8:39/9:30 (first practice)

2-mile tempo (one full loop) in training shoes.
An easy loop.

More stretching.

Change into racing flats. Easy run to the one mile marker. Tempo back to the start.

Pick-up? I'm thinking with the special attention to stretching, we're looking at least practices lasting 2 hours. Any comments?

Thursday, July 24th
Buffalo Park (yes again... and the same time as the day before, with ropes and leave your racing flats at home).

Full Oldham
Fatman: 1:12
The rest of you should file your times away...

Friday, July 25th
Same time (8:00AM)
Meet at Elder's house for an easy run around Doney Park and a team meeting about our season's schedule (I'll attempt to give you a list of all the meets we can possibly race this fall before this meeting, and then at this meeting we'll do our best to schedule all our meets... and I've told my good friend who works for Reebok that we'd go to the Mt. Sac meet in California (held at Mt. San Antonio College) and he said if we did, he'd give each of you a pair of spikes with your names embroidered on them (that's an incredible offer! Do we take him up on that?).
Check out:

Pick-up again at 10...

K-Man leads the team on a nice loop around the base of Old Caves; strides on the soccer field; stanfords and beagles and meeting.
(I felt horrible from the Oldham run and fatigue had not yet subsided)

Saturday, July 26th
Meet in the Wal-Mart shopping center
Sinclair Wash Urban Trail, past the Pine Mt. Theatre, left, and and back (Easy out, turn it up a notch at Pine Mt., and give it your best once you hit the Urban Trail -- 7.5 miles?)

Mathmania & K-Man 1:02
Jm; 1:03
Yess: 1:04
Meg/burntmuff: ~1:11
Fatman: 1:23 (Walking the last quarter mile)

This may have been a breakthrough workout for some... maybe even for the Fatman. I'm very pleased.

Monday, July 28th
(Not Buff Park!)
Down Elden Springs to the intersection of Elden Springs and the Horse Camp.
Long run on Deer Trail.
Okay, good run... I think we all accomplished our ultimate goal. Who was not impressed with Tumbleweed? Fatman felt horrible, but after a call from Nature, at the halfway point, he felt much better and ran back just a little slower than going out, but not breathing quite as fast as Olive (and of course I know you wanted to know all those little details!).

Please read below for yet another schedule change...

Tuesday, July 29th
On your own

Wednesday, July 30th
Instead, we'll meet at Ft. Tut and run a full Soldier's Loop (some of you might have to add on more to keep your miles up).

Thursday, July 31st
On your own... and you better run! It is no way, a day off!!

Friday, August, 1st (AUGUST!!! were did the summer go?)
Campbell Mesa
Megan's favorite...

Saturday, August 2nd
Should this be the day we attempt the Sunset Loop? I'd like to "go for it." We'd have Sunday to recover... at least for those of you who get your miles in.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Elder
Everything looks good on this end.
Just also wanted to let you know I'm getting a blood test tomorrow (Monday) and should have the results by Thursday at the latest.
Also just my opinion, but I say we should absolutely go to the Mt. Sac meet. The spikes are definitely an extra bonus but I've always wanted to run in the meet anyways. Just my thought though.

Captains said...

The Mt. Sac invite sounds like a great oppertunity. I've heard about how great this meet is!! And like Megan said, the spikes are great too.

Jess said...

I'm 100% for going to the Mt. Sac like everyone else I couldn't turn down a free pair of spikes! I also think it would be great just to go to a new meet, and a great one at that.
It is fine to assume practices will last two hours, but i can usually bust out the stretches in 10-15 minutes, and the whole team should be able to as well after a little more practice.
I was also wondering if we should have one practice a week that goes a little longer so we could work on strength training as well? I have the Wharton book on that, and I grabbed one of the DVD's Bart was passing out at the luncheon (a lot of it was similar to our Stanfords, but I think a lot of the Wharton stuff could be useful as well). maybe we can continue our Stanford routine after easy days like we usually do, but like I said, just have one day where we would focus on strengthening other neglected areas (like our feet!).