Sunday, February 5, 2012

Practice Schedule February 6th -- 11th

Note to all: Thanks for showing up at the Skydome for Keven's race. I'm sure it meant a lot to her, but it also meant much to me to see you all there!

We begin this week with the official beginning of the track season, which really means that every school in AZ begins in earnest, which we've been doing since... when December?

Assume all pick-up times at 5:30.

Bring your flats/spikes as well start with a medium run on the golf course (we've got to utilize this space since in the past at this time of the year, it is covered in snow, and later, it'll be closed due to some fat people known as "golfers" wanting to use this area!).

After a "medium" distance run, well finish on the track to 3x4 (or 3) 300 at full effort. To be followed by drills.

A long run is the plan.

AM run.
PM off.

5x1000 on the track

Recovery... easy run, drills, stanfords, etc.

Long run -- We'll meet at 9 AM, but where will be determined later in week.


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