Sunday, August 21, 2011

Practice Schedule for Aug 22nd -- 27th

What a great week of training it was for most last week. At least for those who came every day, and those not nursing injuries.

All pick-up will be at 5:15.

Here's the schedule for our next week:

Libertarianville or Little America Loop;
All hills will be run up hard;
Finish at track;
3x 300 hard;
Core Work.

"Long Group"
hoboland, Little America, Bow & Arrow trail, Lone Tree, through NAU, Milton, Mike's Place, Cottage, San Francisco, 66, 4th, in.

"Not-so-Long Group"
East on Butler, Wakonda, Ridge, Fox Hill, Scioto, Country Club, Continental, Butler, back to Sinagua.

Short Group
East on Butler, Left on Mt. Pleasant, Edgewood, to Country Club (you'll wait there until the "not-so-long group" comes by, and you'll jump in with them.

Really short group
Out-and-back on Butler.

ALL finish at the track (3x300)


Long Group
4th, 66, Elden, Cherry, Verde, Cherry, Thorpe, Hope/Bonito, Havasupia, Ft. Valley, Forest, West Oak/Rim, Turquoise, Cedar (Cedar turns into a trail that leads into Buff Pk), to bridge, down urban trail past Coco high, then work you're way back to school.

Loops on the Urban Trail, Hoboland, Foxglenn.

DwyHammer, Foxglenn.
Paced laps...
Core work.

Meet at the Y

Whatever it takes to make your miles

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