Saturday, August 7, 2010

Practice Schedule for August 9--15

First let me congratulate all on a really good performance today, especially the big win by Cullen (any win is a "big" win, since only one person gets to win).

However what I'd like to address is preparation... very few brought rain gear and therefore got soaked to the bone. Were we all just wishfully thinking that the sun was coming out and it was going to be a beautiful day in Arizona, rather than resembling something more similar to Eugene, Oregon? Folks, we have got to learn to plan better. This is a perfect example where "knowledge is power." If you knew before you left the house exactly what the weather was going to throw at you, would you have planned differently? What's wrong with packing too much stuff, only to leave it there (no big deal), or to have to use it to keep you warm and dry (perhaps a big deal?)?

And speaking of "stuff" we need to decide this next week whether to order new uniforms, or supplement the one's some already own. I know the girls have thought about choices, but I'm not sure if the boys understand their options. We'll use Monday's practice to narrow down choices and discuss how much this might all cost.

On to the schedule...

Monday, 8/9
Meet @ NPA
A recovery day (assuming that all will run long on Sunday... and after something such as a hard 5K today, running the long run at an "easy" pace will be okay).
Meet @ 9
Pickup @ 10:30

Tuesday, 8/10
Hills on the Urban trail
Meet @ NPA @ 9 AM
Pick-up @ 10:45

Day off

Thursday, 8/12
Those living close to NPA can meet at school at 9; those living on the westside can meet at Late for the Train @ 9:15.
We'll run the Sunset/Dry Hills Lake
Return to NPA at 11:45/Noon

Friday, 8/13
Meet @ Campbell Mesa
3 m loop for some; 5 mile loop for others
the day is a "recovery" day from the day before
Since this is the first day for teachers to report, we'll meet at 3:00 PM. Those wanting to meet at NPA at 2:45 to ride over in a school van, please let me know. 
Pickup @ 3:45

Saturday, 8/14
3K TT @ Sinagua
Meet @ 9
Pickup @ 10:30

Own your own... LR

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