Sunday, July 11, 2010

Practices Schedule: July 12th -- 17th

Monday, 7/12
Campbell Mesa
Various loops...
Unless other wise stated, practices will begin at 9:00 AM and pick-up times will be at 10:30.

Own your own... and I mean it.

Meet at Cromer Elementary
Old Caves Crater --Hill workout
Movie Day @ Mr. Elder's (believe it or not)
Pick-up time will be determined after Monday's practice.


Let's just refer to this, for now, a "working document."

I've included comments that are meant to be nothing more than "tongue-and-cheek."

Let us keep the dialogue open...

I've attached the exact same thing I copied below, but you might not be able to open it (it's in a EXCEL 2004, version 11.5.8) file.
Monday's Workout/Wednesday's Food Item Responsibility!
Monday's WRKTItem to bring…..
Clemmons42'/4mEggbake! (Eggs and goat milk are my favorite)
HamblenShould show up after his AM engagements????
Irwin40'/5mVeggie plate (are you serious?)
ScullyMIA (Missing in Action from Monday's practice) and if I don't hear from him soon, look for an "Amber Alert"
Schulz42'/5m (no splt)Crackers & Cheese (man, better be good chs!)
Tosi39'/5mChoco Mlk/see above… better be good… from Marissa's goats and milked by YOU!
Clemmons47'/5mEggbake! (Eggs and goat milk are my favorite… please assist w/ Dom's lame Ch milk resp.)
SaveryAssistant CoachKeg of beer
Griffen47'/5mCookies (what kinds of junk are you guys think… okay, I'm really, really old and out of it!)
HallKat couldn't make practice today… but here's something for her to think about!
Pinaire49'/5mPasta dish… now someone's thinking…

See Tuesday...

Ft. Tut
Soldiers Trail... hopefully all of us.

We'll once again discuss where this will take place at practices earlier in the week and see where people might want to run. Should know either Monday or Wednesday.

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