Wednesday, September 10, 2008

September 11th -- 20th

First let me apologize for the gap in posting workouts... being the athletic director, my priorities are to first take care of all the other sports, and then us (although please understand, not a minute goes by without THINKING about you runners). Be it the scheduling of games/matches/meets, arranging transportation, the ordering of uniforms... all other sports are taken care of before us. I'm sorry, but it's the way its got to be...

(girls ranked 18th in the state in the pre-season polls -- which at this point mean diddly-squat)


So what have we done?

Saturday was supposed to be Oldham and for the second time in a row, directions were not followed.

Sunday was supposed to be a "long run" which few completed.

Monday took the place of Wednesday, so you were off with me down in Prescott.

Tuesday was another jog in the park.

Wednesday was a modified Soliere running the hills hard.

Which brings us to today:

Thursday, September 11 (9/11)
We'll van it out to Cambell Mesa w/ the A group running the 3 mile loop then back to school and the B group running the five mile loop.

Friday, 9/12
Industrial to 66 to 4th. Drills, strides and Stanfords.
Pick-up at 5:00

Saturday, 9/13
Meet at 8:30AM
Meet at the Y (Elden Lookout and Schultz Pass) and shuttle up to the trailhead of Upper Oldham. 
Pick-up at 11:00
Fantastic workout. Everybody showed and everybody finished in what I think is a very respectable time. Hopefully you're all out running right now.

Sunday, 9/14
Home Run
30 minutes very easy (it's got to be!)

Monday, 9/15
The original workout I had up here has been drastically changed. Instead, we'll do something over at Foxglenn. Bring your flats if you have them.

Tuesday, 9/16
Libertarianville loop (with the middle three miles run @ tempo)
chris -- 7:12/7:13/7:20
Jor -- 6:17/6:48/7:36
Jon & Andi -- 6:17/6:46/7:34
Zeek -- 6:51/7:34/8:06
Andrew -- 6:51/7:34/8:33
Tay -- 8:04/~8:40/~9:??
Meg -- 8:04/8:23/8:52
Jess & Cor -- 7:27/8:01/8:26


Thursday, 9/18
Bring flats
Run to Foxglenn
3 min hard/3 easy; 2 x 2 min hard/2 easy; 3 x 1 min hard/1 min easy

Friday, 9/19
Buff PK
2 Loops

Saturday, 9/20
We open our season at Four Corners

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