Saturday, June 7, 2008


The season has begun!

Here's what I'm proposing. Please email me if you have questions or cannot make any of these practices.

Monday, June 9th
9:30 (all practices shall begin at 9:30 (unless, the majority of you would like to begin at a different time), but may end at different times, especially if we drive somewhere.
Soldier's Trail -- Ft. Tuthill
Pick-up 10:45
Shows: Jon, Jordan (40 minutes)
Jess, Meg, Andi (30 minutes)

On your own

Wednesday, 6/11
Sam's Club Parking Lot
Pine Canyon Loop
Pick-up 10:45

On your own

Friday, 6/13
Buff Pk
Modified Oldham
Pick-up 10:45

Saturday, 6/14
We will NOT meet at McD's but instead will meet at Campbell Mesa
Again, pick-up will be at 10:45 (if not before).

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